Last night (14 November) the Medical Scientists Association of Victoria (MSAV) held its Annual General Meeting.
Along with the meeting there was an update given to all members of the MSAV, VPA and AHP about Public Sector bargaining which is due to commence in 2025.
It was a terrific evening with members coming together to not only get an update on Public Sector bargaining, or to conduct the important business of an Annual General Meeting, but also to celebrate a massive year for the Union and to celebrate its members.
This year the Union continued to work hard fighting for members rights at work with members winning new agreements in Community Health Sector and Private Health Sector, which were won in the face of strong pressure to accept sub-standard offers and hostile managements.
And Solidarity Hall at Victorian Trades Hall was a perfect place to celebrate a massive year!

Congratulations and thank you to all the members for making the Union what it is.