We say YES for Marriage Equality

We’re now closer than ever to winning marriage equality in Australia.SayYesMarriageEquality

But to make sure we can achieve equality for all Australians we have to talk to more people in more ways than ever before.

Research shows that real-life conversations with your friends and family are incredibly powerful and have a far greater impact than any advertising campaign can have. But lots of people who might not be sure whether they support marriage equality may still have lots of questions. By sharing your experience and why you’re supporting marriage equality you’re creating the space to have a conversation rather than furious debate, which can be bring more people with us to support marriage equality.

The Union is proudly supporting the Yes campaign for marriage equality. After all equality is union business and that’s why we’re encouraging you to get behind the Yes campaign.

There are lots of different ways you can support the campaign in your workplace and community.

Check out the resources that the Victorian Trades Hall have prepared at: http://www.weareunion.org.au/equality

You can also find some great resources at the Marriage Equality campaign website and/or sign up to be part of the campaign at: http://www.equalitycampaign.org.au/home

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