The Victorian Psychologists Association is very proud to inform members that the new Public Sector Enterprise Agreement will include 397 new positions for psychologists. This is a significant outcome for the Union.
Here’s the breakdown of the new positions:
- 344 Psychology Registrars
- 33 Psychology Educators
- 20 Psychology Directors
Plus, this week, the Department of Health agreed to our claim for Northern Health and Western Health to receive additional EFT, acknowledging the changes both services are going through with the disaggregation.
Northern Health and Western Health will now receive the same allocation as the larger services – that is 1x Grade 6 Director, 2x Grade 4 and 1x Grade 5 Educators.
These are significant outcomes for the VPA and a testament to the work of the VPA in being a strong, vocal advocate for psychologists and improving our mental health system.
Lisa Alcock
VPA Secretary