The VPA provides members with Professional Indemnity insurance cover for all work wherever they are employed as psychologist or on psychological work. The cover does not cover private practice. The cover also includes representation at the Coroner’s Court and other proceedings and notifications to AHPRA. The PI insurance cover is compliant with the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA) standard.
The PBA standard requires cover provided by a third party – in this case the VPA – to comply with the standard. The requirements include adequate and appropriate civil liability cover; appropriate retroactive cover for otherwise uncovered matters arising from prior practice; automatic reinstatement, or an equivalent approach which ensures that the amount of cover will not be exhausted by a single claim
The VPA cover complies with the standard. The cover is for $10,000 for any one claim and automatic reinstatement.
Members are reminded that they are required to notify the VPA/insurer of any matters that may potentially give rise to a claim. The VPA has a notification form expressly for this purpose.
It is important to note that the cover applies to financial members of the VPA only. Cover ceases when a member resigns from the VPA (or is removed as a member due to unfinanciality) unless the resignation is on account of no longer practicing or being employed as a psychologist.