We Are Union
We Are Union is a campaign by Victorian Trades Hall Council to encourage union activism! We welcome all members of the community to volunteer in our campaigns. We are campaigning hard on a range of issues that affect working people. We work together to achieve shared goals. To Volunteer Check out upcoming volunteer opportunities here or contact our campaigns team on (03) 9659-3581, or email at volunteer@vthc.org.au Victorian Trades...
Bust the budget rally
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et nisi in nisi suscipit eleifend quis in lorem. Nam dapibus neque tortor, a aliquet nibh placerat et. Nulla ultrices erat velit, at dignissim ipsum iaculis at. Aenean congue at velit in iaculis. Quisque efficitur sagittis eros et mollis. Cras auctor ac nulla quis consequat. Duis pretium sem eu metus euismod molestie. Vestibulum eu ipsum cursus, ullamcorper justo ut,...
Bust the Budget Rally
The Union will have a contingent at the rally and will be meeting at 10:15am at 62 Lygon St, Carlton before joining the rest of the rally at 10:30am
Victorian workers are uniting for change
Check out this new video for the We Are Union campaign led by Victorian Trades Hall Council. Victorian workers are uniting for change. We want a state government that respects working people, not one that cuts jobs and services. Help take on Denis Napthine in 2014 – go to http://www.weareunion.org.au/volunteer and volunteer!
TV Coverage of the Fix the Cancer Crisis Rally
FIX THE CANCER CRISIS Watch the action from our public report back meeting courtesy of TEN.