Union Job Reps Training
The Union strongly values its Job Reps as an essential part of what we do every day – protect and advance the industrial and professional interests of members. As a Job Rep you are the local connection between the Union and members.
To help you better understand your role, the Union provides training and information sessions.
These sessions will help to keep you informed about changes to relevant laws, what’s happening in the Union and how to be an effective Job Rep.
The Union also provides opportunities throughout the year to meet up with other Job Reps.
The next Job Rep training day is on Friday 21 March at 9am for a 9:30am start to 5pm.
As a Job Rep you can attend training days and activities organised by the Union without losing pay if the training is on a day you would normally be rostered to work.
If you’ve ever thought of being a Job Rep then this training day is open to you too. If you’re interested in being a Job Rep please contact the Union.
Please contact Alex on 9623 9623 or at alexs@msav.org.au to register your attendance