We have some big news; some really, really big news. In fact it’s huge news.
As of April your membership includes Professional Indemnity insurance if you’re working in any Victorian hospital.
That’s right! Not only will you get access to professional support to protect and advance your rights at work, your membership will now include Professional Indemnity insurance. Not a member? Join today!
Our policy, which meets Pharmacy Board requirements, means you’re covered for up to $20 million in any one claim and up to $80 million in total in any one policy period. And since it is the right insurance for hospital pharmacists, it’s the only insurance policy you’ll need.
Constant restructuring, longer unpaid hours, more work job cuts and tough negotiations over pay and conditions are a challenge for everyone.
That’s why it pays to belong to the AHP to protect and advance your rights at work. And now we’ve got your Professional Indemnity insurance covered too – it’s the only cover you’ll need!