One of the big victories arising from our negotiations for our new public agreement was around leave replacement and the backfilling of vacant positions. In our bargaining survey and member meetings, increased workloads for members when people were away sick or on leave and not backfilled was repeatedly highlighted as a significant issue. We also know that workloads are continuing to increase and when someone is away from the workplace, there has been a tendancy in the past for that work to be given to staff significantly increasing their workload while while there are absences.
Under our public sector agreement, your boss is required to employ backfill staff for any leave period of 2 weeks or longer to ensure that work is not falling to you and your colleagues when there are absences in your workplace. If you are aware of a position which has not been backfilled then let the Union know using our handy “Leave Replacement / Backfilling” form.
We want to ensure that health services are following our new public sector agreement and are doing everything they are required to under the new clauses. It is critical that we have and a clear view of how this new clause is being applied and pursue every example of a health service not providing backfill staff.
That’s why it is vital that you let us know about each case of failure/refusal to provide backfill because each case is a breach of the new Public Sector Agreement and we are determined to stop any pattern of agreement breaches as quickly as possible.